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Mohammad Falahat
Yan-Yin Lee
Yi-Cheng Foo
Chee-En Chia


E-commerce has grown rapidly over the past decade and has become a significant trend. One of the major concerns for the successful proliferation of e-commerce is the issue of consumers’ trust in Internet vendors. This study examines the antecedents of trust in e-commerce among Malaysian online consumers. Data was collected from 300 respondents who had recently made online purchases. Structural equation modelling-partial least squares (SEM-PLS) was used to analyse the data, and our findings reveal that brand recognition, service quality, security, and word-of-mouth (WOM) lead to higher levels of consumer trust, whereas customer satisfaction has an insignificant relation to consumer trust. This study enables online vendors or e-commerce business owners to understand consumer demand and satisfy their needs. Strategies need to be set right too to attract more consumers in purchasing online.

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How to Cite
Mohammad Falahat, Yan-Yin Lee, Yi-Cheng Foo, & Chee-En Chia. (2019). A MODEL FOR CONSUMER TRUST IN E-COMMERCE. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 24(Supp. 2), 93–109. https://doi.org/10.21315/aamj2019.24.s2.7
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