Propaganda Sektor Perkhidmatan Awam di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu melalui Malayan Film Unit (MFU), 1957–1963

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Chellitda Farhana Gunaish
Mohd Firdaus Abdullah
Wan Hasmah Wan Teh


This research aimed to investigate the extent of the roles played by the Malayan Film Unit (MFU) as a propaganda platform for the civil service sector by the federal government from 1957 until 1963. The government had indeed been using MFU as a platform to promote the roles and to attract the support of the citizens towards the civil service sector in the Federation of Malaya. Various films had been produced based on the selected themes in the civil service sector. Moreover, the films had been played at the cinemas and mobile cinematic shows (locally called wayang pacak) in the whole of the Federation of Malaya along the specified period. This research was qualitative in nature and completely employed the historic research methodology. The materials and resources were obtained from the National Archives Malaysia, National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS), National Library of Malaysia, libraries at the local higher learning institutions nationwide, and others. The findings showed that MFU played it significant roles as a propaganda tool in the efforts by the federal government to promote the roles and to attract the support from the citizens towards the activities of civil services in the Federation of Malaya. In fact, MFU was seen as the earliest platform used by the government for the earlier-mentioned purpose, which was then further enhanced after the formation of Malaysia and establishment of Malaysian National Film Department in 1963.

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How to Cite
Chellitda Farhana Gunaish, Mohd Firdaus Abdullah, and Wan Hasmah Wan Teh. 2024. “Propaganda Sektor Perkhidmatan Awam Di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu Melalui Malayan Film Unit (MFU), 1957–1963”. Wacana Seni Journal of Arts Discourse 23 (September): 73–89.
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