Possible Food Sources of Macrozoobenthos in the Manko Mangrove Ecosystem, Okinawa (Japan): A Stable Isotope Analysis Approach

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Yusli Wardiatno
Tri Prartono
Makoto Tsuchiya


Identifying potential food sources in mangrove ecosystems is complex because of the multifarious inputs from both land and sea. This study, which was conducted in the Manko mangrove ecosystem of Okinawa, Japan, determined the composition of the stable isotopes ?13C and ?15N in primary producers and macrozoobenthos to estimate the potential food sources assimilated and to elucidate the target trophic levels of the macrozoobenthos. We measured the two stable isotope signatures of three gastropods (Cerithidea sp., Cassidula mustelinaPeronia verruculata), two crabs (Grapsidae sp., Uca sp.), mangrove tree (Kandelia candel) leaves, and sediment from the mangrove ecosystem. The respective carbon and nitrogen isotope signature results were as follows: –22.4‰ and 8.6‰ for Cerithidea sp., –25.06‰ and 8‰ for C. mustelina, –22.58‰ and 8‰ for P. verruculata, –24.3‰ and 10.6‰ for unidentified Grapsidae, –21.87 ‰ and 11.5 ‰ for Uca sp., –29.81‰ and 11‰ for K. candel, and –24.23‰ and 7.2‰ for the sediment. The stable isotope assimilation signatures of the macrozoobenthos indicated sediment as their food source. Considering the trophic levels, the stable isotope values may also indicate that the five macrozoobenthos species were secondary or higher consumers.


Mengenal pasti sumber makanan berpotensi di dalam ekosistem paya bakau adalah suatu proses yang kompleks kerana penerimaan pelbagai input daripada darat dan laut. Kajian ini, yang telah dijalankan di ekosistem paya bakau Manko, Okinawa, Jepun, telah mengenal pasti komposisi isotop stabil ?13C dan ?15N dalam pengeluar primer dan makrozoobentos untuk menganggarkan sumber makanan berpotensi yang telah diasimilasi dan untuk mengetahui aras trofik sasaran makrozoobentos. Kami telah mengukur penanda-penanda dua isotop stabil oleh tiga gastropod (Cerithidea sp., Cassidula mustelinaPeronia verruculata), dua ketam (Grapsidae sp., Uca sp.), daun pokok paya bakau (Kandelia candel) dan endapan dari ekosistem paya bakau tersebut. Keputusan tanda isotop karbon dan nitrogen masing-masing adalah seperti berikut: –22.4‰ dan 8.6‰ untuk Cerithidea sp., –25.06‰ dan 8‰ untuk C. mustelina, –22.58‰ dan 8‰ untuk P. verruculata, –24.3‰ dan 10.6‰ untuk Grapsidae yang tidak dikenal pasti, –21.87 ‰ dan 11.5 ‰ untuk Uca sp., –29.81‰ dan 1‰ untuk K. candel, dan –24.23‰ dan 7.2‰ untuk endapan. Penanda asimilasi isotop stabil makrozoobentos menunjukkan endapan sebagai sumber makanan. Melihat kepada aras trofik, nilai isotop stabil juga boleh menunjukkan bahawa lima spesies makrozoobentos tersebut ialah pengguna sekunder atau lebih tinggi.

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How to Cite
Possible Food Sources of Macrozoobenthos in the Manko Mangrove Ecosystem, Okinawa (Japan): A Stable Isotope Analysis Approach. (2015). Tropical Life Sciences Research, 26(1), 53–65. http://ejournal.usm.my/tlsr/article/view/tlsr_vol26-no-1-2015_6
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