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Stephanie Hui-Wen Chuah
Malliga Marimuthu
T. Ramayah


In recent years, perceived firm marketing innovation initiatives (PFMII) are increasingly considered as an important means to ensure customers' continued loyalty. Although customer perceived value is believed to be a potential mediator between PFMII and customer loyalty, much of the evidence to date remains anecdotal or speculative. Furthermore, there is a dearth of knowledge about how the effect of PFMII on customer value differs between switchers and non-switchers. To bridge this knowledge gap, we propose a conceptual framework linking PFMII to customer perceived value and loyalty, and develop hypotheses about the moderating role of switching experience in some of these linkages. Data were collected from Generation Y(18–34 years old) who subscribed to post-paid mobile internet plans. The results showed that both functional and monetary values mediated the relationship between PFMII and customer loyalty. However, there was no significant difference in the effect of PFMII on functional and monetary values between switchers and non-switchers. This research contributes to theory and practice by clarifying linkages between PFMII and customer loyalty by investigating the often widely neglected role of customer perceived value. In addition, this study successfully extended Sweeney and Soutar (2001) PERVAL model by incorporating PFMII as the key driver of customer perceived value.

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