This paper is regarding community engagement with sex workers who tell how they got involved
in the trade based on their real life experiences. Through in-depth interview, they tell of their
hurts, frustrations, disappointments and struggles which is never ending. Sex workers have
been identified as a marginalized group and are often isolated. Community engagement with
this group is to help them to cope with their life better and to ensure their well-being. This paper
reports the insights derived from the community engagement with sex workers which are a need
for survival, low self-image, suicidal attempt, betrayed by significant men, conflicts and how
these conflicts are resolved in their own way and the desire for a normal family life. After the
insights is recorded, then the pathway is set for sex workers. It has been observed throughout
the interview that sex workers give utmost importance to the children under their care and
undertake this responsibility well so that the lives of their children would be different from their
own chaotic lives. Invaluable experience has been gained by engaging this marginalized
community through social work intervention. Social work skills have been practiced through
personal and in-depth sessions with sex workers who would otherwise want to lead withdrawn
lives and struggle alone with their depressed state of mind. New hope and confidence has been
imparted to this community so that they would take the necessary precautions to ensure their
betterment at all times
community engagement, sex worker, low self-image, well being