Approaches and Methods to Assess the Problems of Inhalant Abuse in Teluk Kumbar, Penang, Malaysia

Determining the characteristics and magnitude of a problem are important elements in
developing and planning for an effective intervention. The community of Teluk Kumbar
highlighted social problems arising from inhalant use among local youths in the district. The
National Poison Centre initiated a project to collaborate with the community to alleviate the
problem. To design an effective prevention programme a comprehensive understanding of the
inhalant abuse problem was acquired. Different methods and sources of information gathering
were utilised to assess and analyse the problem. This included survey questions, field
observation, focus group discussion and community informants. All these assessment methods
complement each other to provide the required data on the extent and pattern of the problem
and included pertinent information for the development of an intervention programme.
inhalant abuse, assessment, field observation, focus-group discussion, community informant