Solar Lighting at Pasar Tani Putrajaya

This project aimed to promote green technology such as solar to the public. The caravan sellers
of Pasar Tani Putrajaya have been given a set of solar lighting system. They learned how to
operate and maintain the solar system. Prior to the project they were using diesel or site
generator during the business hour in the evening. For the solar system, they charged the
battery during the day and in the evening they bring along a box which consists of battery,
charge controller and inverter. The AC loads are then plug to the power points of the box. This
video recorded the understanding on solar technology among students, and lesson learned and
shared from the caravan users. Though the initial target group of the project was the Pasar Tani
community at the Putrajaya, the caravan sellers not only sell goods at the Putrajaya but also
other places. Thus the promotion of green technology is broader than at the initial expectation.
solar lighting, green technology