The Spirit of Community Engagement

Community engagement is more than merely counting instances of interaction with the
community however that is defined. A fuller and more sustainable sense of community
engagement rests on a recognition that spiritual values and dispositions form the basis of many
people sense of belonging to a community and engaging it. Recognising the spiritual and
transcendent dimension to community engagement is an important part of taking it seriously and
this paper seeks to discuss this in reference to a critique of exclusive secular humanism,
calculative rationality and the reduction of meaning that characterises current modern life. We
find positive support for the importance of the spiritual dimension to community engagement in
reference to both the policy positon of Universiti Sains Malaysia and current research in regards
to staff values and spirituality. Ultimately the commitment to community engagement must be
grounded in something more than mere utility or achieving some position against metric
evaluations. This deeper grounding rests on taking seriously the spiritual dimension to this
important topi
community engagement, spirituality, higher education, secularism, Universiti Sains Malaysia, commitment, instrumental rationality, calculative rationality, values