Sand Art Video: STOP.THINK.TEST HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign

This sand art video featuring Benice Wong, a famous local sand artist who was formerly a
student graduated from the School of Arts. The video was made in conjunction of
STOP.THINK.TEST HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign that was organized by final year students
in Persuasive Communication, School of Communication, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
This unique sand art video consists of the history of HIV/AIDS and the best method to show how
youth should cultivate healthy lifestyle as a preventive measure from getting any infection or
diseases, by doing STOP, THINK, and do the HIV/AIDS TEST.
STOP.THINK.TEST HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign was a social campaign and the purpose of
the campaign was to increase the awareness of HIV/AIDS among young people especially
students from colleges and universities especially in USM. Even though the campaign was done
in year 2014, the level of understanding about HIV/AIDS issue, stigma and discrimination
towards people living with HIV/AIDS should constantly be reminded and reduced. Hence, series
of out-reached were held in USM and other 9 IPTA and IPTS to educate youth on HIV/AIDS
and avoid discrimination among People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Besides that, a group
of 18 USM students visited Community AIDS Service Penang (CASP), one of the NonGovernmental Organization to get first-hand experience in understanding the real-life situation
and community service to help the PLWHA. The Health Wellness Expo was officiated by YB
Dato’ Seri Dr. Hilmi Bin Haji Yahaya, Deputy Minister of Health. Red Ribbon Celebrity
Supporters from Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC) like Aaron Aziz and Bob Yusof were also
attended the official ceremony. Several activities have been carried out during Health Wellness
Expo such as Choose2Protect Workshop, Forum, Sharing Session with Owen Yap, Hollywood
Movie Night, Sharing Session with PLWHA, Islamic Talk on HIV/AIDS as well as Health
Check and Exhibition. In conjunction with International AIDS Memorial Day, a Red Ribbon
Run was held in USM Main Campus, Penang. The collected fund was given to CASP.
Official partner for this campaign were MAC, Islamic Centre USM, AIESEC USM and Pusat
Sejahtera USM. Meanwhile, the main sponsor was Felda Wellness Corporation Sdn. Bhd. and
LivYoung Lifestyle Sdn. Bhd. as a Co-Sponsor. The campaign also supported and sponsored by
the BJIM USM, Deputy Chief Minister of Penang, and IM4U. The campaign received good
media coverage in Utusan Malaysia, Kosmo, Harian Metro, Bernama, The Sun, The China Press,
Nanyang Siang Pau, Guang Ming Daily, Sin Chew Jit Poh, Kwong Wah Yit Poh, USM TV,
RTM1, RTM2 and Mutiara FM. The campaign has won “The Best Campaign” in IMPACT 2014
organized by School of Communication, USM
youth, HIV/AIDS awareness campaign, People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)