Exploring the Antibacterial Activity of Ipomoea staphylina Extracts Against H. pylori: A Pharmacognostic Investigation of Whole Plant and Matured Stem with Emphasis on Quercetin Isolation (early view)

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Lakshmanan Narayanan
Suseem S R


Ipomoea staphylina Rome & Schult, entrenched in ethnomedicinal practices, is recognized for its efficacy in treating stomach disorders. Traditionally used in Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu for stomach ulcers, its matured stem bark latex is therapeutically relevant, especially for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infections. This prompts scientific exploration into its antibacterial properties. The research validates the antibacterial efficacy of Ipomoea staphylina extracts against H. pylori, scrutinizing the whole plant and matured stem through a comparative pharmacognostic analysis. Utilizing herbal standardization techniques, we confirm the heightened purity of the powder. Antimicrobial assessments show exceptional efficacy of DME and HLS extracts. Quercetin isolation by using advanced instrumentation (NMR, HRMS, HPTLC, FTIR) ensures precise compound identification. This methodology guarantees an exhaustive analysis, confirming purity and identifying bioactive components. Standardization underscores the elevated purity of I. staphylina, with phytochemical screening revealing a predominant presence of phenolics and flavonoids. Antibacterial investigations highlight significant activity, particularly with DME and HLS extracts. These findings substantiate Ipomoea staphylina's medicinal significance, especially its matured stem latex, as a promising treatment for H. pylori-induced stomach ulcers, affirming traditional use by Dharmapuri villagers.

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How to Cite
Exploring the Antibacterial Activity of Ipomoea staphylina Extracts Against H. pylori: A Pharmacognostic Investigation of Whole Plant and Matured Stem with Emphasis on Quercetin Isolation (early view). (2024). Tropical Life Sciences Research. https://doi.org/10.21315/
Early Views - July 2024