Five New Records of Terrestrial and Lithophytic Orchids (Orchidaceae) from Penang Hill, Malaysia
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Five new records of terrestrial and lithophytic orchid species were gathered from Penang Hill, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia namely Bulbophyllum depressum, Goodyera pusilla, Peristylus monticola, Podochilus microphyllus, and Zeuxine gracilis. Checklist of each species is provided and their distribution in Penang Hill is discussed.
Lima rekod baru spesies anggerik tanah dan litofitik telah diperoleh dari Bukit Bendera, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia iaitu Bulbophyllum depressum, Goodyera pusilla, Peristylus monticola, Podochilus microphyllus, dan Zeuxine gracilis. Satu senarai semak untuk setiap spesies dan taburannya di Bukit Bendera dibincangkan.
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Five New Records of Terrestrial and Lithophytic Orchids (Orchidaceae) from Penang Hill, Malaysia. (2016). Tropical Life Sciences Research, 27(2), 103–109.
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