Isolation and Characterisation of a Molybdenum-reducing and Metanil Yellow Dye-decolourising Bacillus sp. strain Neni-10 in Soils from West Sumatera, Indonesia

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Rusnam Mansur
Neni Gusmanizar
Muhamad Akhmal Hakim Roslan
Siti Aqlima Ahmad
Mohd Yunus Shukor


A molybdenum reducing bacterium with the novel ability to decolorise the azo dye Metanil Yellow is reported. Optimal conditions for molybdenum reduction were pH 6.3 and at 34°C. Glucose was the best electron donor. Another requirement includes a narrow phosphate concentration between 2.5 and 7.5 mM. A time profile of Mo-blue production shows a lag period of approximately 12 hours, a maximum amount of Mo-blue produced at a molybdate concentration of 20 mM, and a peak production at 52 h of incubation. The heavy metals mercury, silver, copper and chromium inhibited reduction by 91.9, 82.7, 45.5 and 17.4%, respectively. A complete decolourisation of the dye Metanil Yellow at 100 and 150 mg/L occurred at day three and day six of incubations, respectively. Higher concentrations show partial degradation, with an approximately 20% decolourisation observed at 400 mg/L. The bacterium is partially identified based on biochemical analysis as Bacillus sp. strain Neni-10. The absorption spectrum of the Mo-blue suggested the compound is a reduced phosphomolybdate. The isolation of this bacterium, which shows heavy metal reduction and dye-decolorising ability, is sought after, particularly for bioremediation.


Satu bakteria penurun molibdenum dengan keupayaan baru untuk menyahwarna pewarna azo Kuning Metanil dilaporkan. Kondisi optimum untuk penurunan molibdenum adalah pada pH 6.3 dan pada suhu 34°C. Glukosa adalah penderma elektron yang terbaik. Keperluan-keperluan lain termasuklah kepekatan fosfat yang sempit di antara 2.5 dan 7.5 mM. Profil masa pengeluaran Mo-biru menunjukkan tempoh sela masa kira-kira 12 jam, jumlah maksimum Mo-biru dihasilkan pada kepekatan molibdat 20 mM dan pengeluaran maksimum pada masa 52 jam inkubasi. Logam-logam berat seperti merkuri, perak, tembaga dan kromium merencat penurunan sebanyak 91.9, 82.7, 45.5 dan 17.4%, masing-masing. Penyahwarnaan pewarna Kuning Metanil pada kepekatan 100 dan 150 mg/L berlaku pada hari ketiga dan hari enam inkubasi, masing-masing. Kepekatan yang lebih tinggi menghasilkan degradasi separa, dengan penyahwarnaan warna sebanyak 20% berlaku pada kepekatan 400 mg/L. Bakteria ini dikenal pasti secara separa berdasarkan analisis biokimia sebagai Bacillus sp. strain Neni-10. Spektrum penyerapan Mo-biru mencadangkan bahawa kompaun terhasil adalah fosfomolibdat terturun. Pengasingan bakteria ini, yang menunjukkan penurunan logam berat dan keupayaan penyahwarnaan pewarna, adalah diperlukan, terutamanya untuk bioremediasi.

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How to Cite
Rusnam Mansur, Neni Gusmanizar, Muhamad Akhmal Hakim Roslan, Siti Aqlima Ahmad, & Mohd Yunus Shukor. (2017). Isolation and Characterisation of a Molybdenum-reducing and Metanil Yellow Dye-decolourising Bacillus sp. strain Neni-10 in Soils from West Sumatera, Indonesia. Tropical Life Sciences Research, 28(1), 69–90.
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