A Comparative Study on Physicochemical Characteristics of Raw Goat Milk Collected from Different Farms in Malaysia

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Syarifah Hazirah Syd Jaafar
Roshada Hashim
Zaiton Hassan
Norlelawati Arifin


This study was conducted to determine the physical and chemical composition of goat milk produced by eight local farms located in the central region of Malaysia. Farms 1 to 4 (F1-SC, F2-SP, F3-SP, F4-SBC) reared Saanen-type goats while farms 5 to 8 (F5-JK, F6-JPEC, F7-JTC, F8-JC), Jamnapari-type goats. The common feedstuffs used in all farms comprised of fresh or silage from Napier grass, feed pellets, and brans while two farms, F5-JK and F6-JPEC supplemented the feeds with soybean-based product. The total solid content, dry matter, and proximate composition of goat milk and feedstuffs from the different farms were determined and the results analysed using principal component analysis. Total solid content of goat milk from the Jamnapari crossbreed had the highest solid content ranging from 11.81% to 17.54% compared to milk from farms with Saanen and Saanen crossbreed (10.95% to 14.63%). Jamnapari-type goats from F5-JK, F6-JPEC, and F8-JC had significantly higher (p < 0.05) milk fat and protein contents (7.36%, 7.14%, and 6.59% fat; 5.08%, 6.19%, and 4.23% protein, respectively) than milk from other farms but, milk produced by Saanen-type goats from F4-SBC contained similar protein content (4.34%) to that from F8-JC. Total ash and carbohydrate contents in milk ranged between 0.67% to 0.86% and 3.26% to 4.71%, respectively, regardless of goat breed. Feeding soybean-based products appear to have a positive influence on milk fat and protein content in Jamnapari type goats.


Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan komposisi fizikal dan kimia susu kambing yang dihasilkan oleh lapan ladang tempatan yang terletak di kawasan tengah Malaysia. Ladang 1 hingga 4 (F1-SC, F2-SP, F3-SP, F4-SBC) menternak kambing jenis Saanen sementara ladang 5 hingga 8 (F5-JK, F6-JPEC, F7-JTC, F8-JC) menternak kambing jenis Jamnapari. Bahan makanan biasa yang digunakan di semua ladang terdiri daripada rumput segar atau silaj dari rumput Napier, feed pellets, dan bran sementara dua ladang lagi, F5-JK dan F6-JPEC menambah makanan dengan produk berasaskan kacang soya. Kandungan pepejal, bahan kering dan komposisi susu kambing serta bahan makanan dari lading yang berbeza telah ditentukan dan keputusan dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis komponen utama. Kandungan pepejal susu kambing dari kacukan Jamnapari mempunyai kandungan pepejal tertinggi iaitu 11.81% hingga 17.54% berbanding susu dari lading dengan Saanen dan kacukan Saanen (10.95% hingga 14.63%). Kambing jenis Jamnapari dari F5-JK, F6-JPEC, dan F8-JC mempunyai kandungan lemak dan protein susu (p < 0.05) yang lebih tinggi (7.36%, 7.14% dan 6.59% protein; 5.08%, 6.19% dan 4.23%) daripada susu dari ladang lain tetapi susu yang dihasilkan oleh kambing jenis Saanen dari F4-SBC mengandungi kandungan protein yang sama (4.34%) dengan F8-JC. Kandungan abu dan karbohidrat dalam susu adalah di antara 0.67% hingga 0.86% dan 3.26% hingga 4.71%, tanpa mengira baka kambing. Memberi makan produk berasaskan kacang soya dilihat mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap kandungan lemak susu dan protein dalam kambing jenis Jamnapari.

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How to Cite
Syarifah Hazirah Syd Jaafar, Roshada Hashim, Zaiton Hassan, & Norlelawati Arifin. (2018). A Comparative Study on Physicochemical Characteristics of Raw Goat Milk Collected from Different Farms in Malaysia. Tropical Life Sciences Research, 29(1), 195–212. https://doi.org/10.21315/tlsr2018.29.1.13
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