Proximate Analysis of Selected Macroalgal Species from the Persian Gulf as a Nutritional Resource
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Nowadays the exploration and utilisation of food and feed from marine origin is becoming more important with the increase of human population. Macroalgae are rich in nutritious compounds, which can directly be used in human and animal feed industries. The current study presents the screening of chemical components of eight macroalgae species, Sargassum boveanum, Sirophysalis trinodis, Hypnea caroides, Palisda perforata, Galaxaura rugosa, Caulerpa racemose, Caulerpa sertularioides and Bryopsis corticolans from the Persian Gulf. The results revealed that the eight studied algal species possess high protein (14.46% to 38.20%), lipid (1.27% to 9.13%) and ash (15.50% to 49.14%) contents. The fatty acids and amino acids profile showed the presence of essential fatty acids and amino acids with high nutritional value. Phaeophyta species, S. boveanum and S. trinodis, showed the highest value of ash content and polyunsaturated fatty acids while Chlorophyta species, C. racemose, C. sertularioides and B. corticolans, showed the highest level of lipid and protein contents. Rhodophyta species, G. rugosa and P. perforata, showed the highest essential amino acid content. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the potential of the studied marine species as a nutritional source for human and animal uses.
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