Prevalence of Fusarium Wilt Disease of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus Linn) in Peninsular Malaysia Caused by Fusarium oxysporum and F. solani
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Fusarium wilt disease is one of the most problematic and destructive disease in cucumber production. The causative agents are Fusarium oxysporum and F. solani. These pathogens are soil borne and transmitted through infested soil and water. A field survey was conducted to study the disease prevalence in the major growing areas of cucumber in Peninsular Malaysia. Field study revealed that the disease was highly prevalence in the field with the disease incidence was in the range of 10%–60%. The morphological properties of F. oxysporum are microconidia (3.8–15.7 ?m × 2.9–4.9 ?m), macroconidia (14.8–38.5 ?m × 2.4–5.7 ?m) and number of septate was 1–4. While for F. solani are microconidia (3.39–14.63 ?m × 2.36–4.44 ?m), macroconidia (7.22–50.46 ?m × 2.43–6.14 ?m) and number of septate was 1–5. Based on molecular identification had confirmed that the disease is caused by F. oxysporum and F. solani with similarity index of 99%–100% based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) gene sequences. The pathogenicity test showed that the symptoms of Fusarium wilt disease was firstly appeared as yellowing of old leaves. Progressively, the infected plant will be wilted and finally died. The outputs of this study are highly important to establish an effective disease management programme to reduce disease prevalence and yield loss in the field.
Penyakit layu Fusarium adalah salah satu daripada penyakit timun yang sangat bermasalah dan merosakkan. Agen penyebab kepada masalah ini ialah Fusarium oxysporum dan F. solani. Patogen ini ialah bawaan tanah dan boleh disebarkan melalui tanah dan air yang tercemar. Pemantauan ladang telah dilaksanakan untuk mengkaji kejadian penyakit ini di beberapa kawasan penanaman utama di Semenanjung Malaysia. Dapatan kajian lapangan mendedahkan bahawa kejadian penyakit amat tinggi di ladang dengan peratus kejadian penyakit di antara 10%–60%. Ciri-ciri morfologi F. oxysporum ialah mikrokonidia (3.8–15.7 µm × 2.9–4.9 µm), makrokonidia (14.8–38.5 µm × 2.4–5.7 µm), bilangan septa adalah 1–4. Manakala bagi F. solani mikrokonidia (3.39–14.63 µm × 2.36–4.44 µm), makrokonidia (7.22–50.46 µm × 2.43–6.14 µm) dan bilangan septa adalah 1–5. Berdasarkan pengenalpastian molekular telah disahkan bahawa penyakit tersebut disebabkan oleh F. oxysporum dan F. solani, dengan indek persamaan di antara 99%–100% berdasarkan jujukan gen ITS. Ujian patogenisiti pula menunjukkan bahawa simptom awal penyakit layu Fusarium adalah kekuningan pada daun tua. Selanjutnya pokok terjangkit akan menjadi layu dan akhirnya akan mati. Hasil dapatan kajian ini sangat penting untuk membangunkan program pengurusan penyakit berkesan demi mengurangkan kejadian penyakit dan kehilangan hasil ladang.
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