Pink Pigmented Facultative Methylotrophic Bacteria Isolated from Fermented Philippine Shrimp Paste
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Pink pigmented facultative methylotrophic (PPFM) bacteria are ecologically distributed microorganisms. They have been isolated in many types of ecosystems like soil, water, air, in association with plants and even as pathogens in humans. However, a yet unexplored area for PPFM bacteria research is in food. Hence, the objective of this study was to establish the presence of PPFM bacteria in Philippine fermented food, in particular shrimp paste, and characterise them phenotypically and genotypically. A total of 13 PPFM bacteria were obtained from Philippine shrimp paste. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene revealed that the PPFM bacterial isolates belong to the genus Methylobacterium. A total of 35 phenotypic characterisations were performed that included morphological, biochemical and physiological tests. Phylogenetic tree was constructed to establish the genetic relatedness of the isolates. Morphological test results showed that all 13 isolates were consistent with the established phenotypic characters of the genus such as pink colony colour, Gram negative and rod-shaped. Biochemically, the use of API® 20 NE tests showed heterogeneity of results and physiological tests exhibited that the isolates are primarily mesophilic and halotolerant, being able to grow at 2% salt. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the isolates are Methylobacterium populi, M. dankookense, M. lusitanum, M. radiotolerans and M. zatmanii. This study confirmed the presence and diversity of PPFM bacteria in Philippine shrimp paste. Further studies are needed to show the functional activity of Methylobacterium in Philippine shrimp paste production.
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