Effects of Freezing Time on Degradation of Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) Fruit’s Attributes During the Frozen Storage
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Freeze-process has been applied in preserving many fresh horticultural commodities addressed to the medium-distancing distribution. In this study, effect of freezing process and storage time on durian’s attributes degradation was observed. 100 durian fruits were treated with two-level combinations of freezing process. The first level involves the freezing of the said fruit at –15°C for two different freezing times, that is 10 min (treatment A) and 20 min (treatment B). Followed by frozen-storage for –10°C for 0, 10, 20 and 30 days. At different interval time, the frozen samples were thawed at 4°C for 24h. Then, physical, chemical, and sensory parameters were periodically assessed. The result showed that treatment B provide a significantly better output than treatment A. This is proven through a lower weight loss, brighter and lighter yellow of the pulp, softer pulp, lower value of moisture content on the pulp, and a remained stable of succinate acid’s profile. Furthermore, based on the preference evaluation test, the fruits were accepted by respondents.
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