Combined Multivariate Statistical Techniques and Water Quality Index (WQI) to Evaluate Spatial Variation in Water Quality

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Shaheen Begum
Shahana Firdous
Zainab Naeem
Gul-e-Saba Chaudhry
Shanza Arshad
Fakiha Abid
Sania Zahra
Sehrish Khan
Muhammad Adnan
Yeong Yik Sung
Tengku Sifzizul Tengku Muhammad


In present study, Water Quality Index (WQI) has been assessed of the Rawal Lake which is a major source of drinking water for people in the Federal Capital, Islamabad, and its adjacent city Rawalpindi in Pakistan. For this, the principal component analysis (PCA) and WQI were applied as an integrated approach to quantitatively explore difference based on spatial variation in 11 water quality parameters of the five major feeding tributaries of the Rawal Lake, Pakistan. The results of temperature in water, total dissolved solids, pH, electrical conductivity, chlorides and sulfates were well within the allowable World Health Organisation’s (WHO) limits. However, the heavy metals like cadmium and lead were above permissible limits by the WHO in tributaries of Bari Imam and Rumli. Moreover, this has been proven by the Pearson correlation which suggested strong positive correlation (0.910*) between lead and cadmium. The results of present study were subjected to statistical analysis, i.e., PCA which gave three major factors contributing 96.5% of the total variance. For factor 1, pH, TDS, alkalinity, chlorides, sulfates and zinc have highest factor loading values (>0.60) and presented that these parameters were among the most significant parameters of first factor. As per the WQI results, the water was categorised in two major classes indicating that water of Bari Imam and Rumli is highly contaminated with heavy metals and totally unsuitable for drinking purposes. Based on the results of the present study, it is suggested to make heavy metals consideration as an integrated component in future planning for maintaining water quality of the Rawal Lake and its tributaries.

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Shaheen Begum, Shahana Firdous, Zainab Naeem, Gul-e-Saba Chaudhry, Shanza Arshad, Fakiha Abid, Sania Zahra, Sehrish Khan, Muhammad Adnan, Yeong Yik Sung, & Tengku Sifzizul Tengku Muhammad. (2023). Combined Multivariate Statistical Techniques and Water Quality Index (WQI) to Evaluate Spatial Variation in Water Quality. Tropical Life Sciences Research, 34(3), 129–149.
Original Article


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