
  • Asian Academy of Management Journal

    ISSN: 1394-2603
    eISSN:  2180-4184
    Frequency:  Biannually
    Impact Factor:  1.2 (2023)
    Abstracting/Indexing:  ESCI (Web of Science), Scopus, MyCite, ASEAN Citation Index, Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), EBSCOhost, RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), Google Scholar
    Publisher: Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia 


    The Asian Academy of Management Journal (AAMJ) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Asian Academy of Management (AAM) and Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. It serves as a platform for academicians and practitioners to discuss current and future challenges in Asian management while promoting high-quality research in the field. With a strong reputation, AAMJ publishes research from scholars across Asia and globally. The journal invites papers on various management-related topics, including human resources, leadership, marketing, internationalisation, corporate governance, technology management, SMEs and entrepreneurship, banking, and economics. Contributions may include theoretical studies, business models, conceptual frameworks, academic research, consultancy projects, and organisational practices. By facilitating discussions on these topics, AAMJ aims to advance knowledge and practical applications in management studies.

  • Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance

    ISSN: 1823-4992
    eISSN: 2180-4192
    Frequency:  biannually
    Impact Factor:  0.7 (2023)
    Abstracting/Indexing:  ESCI (Web of Science), Scopus, MyCite, RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), ASEAN Citation Index (ACI), Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), EBSCOhost
    Publisher: Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia 

    The Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance (AAMJAF) is a peer reviewed journal published twice a year (May and November) by the Asian Academy of Management (AAM) and Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. It is a specialised journal focusing on research in Accounting and Finance. The editorial committee of AAMJAF is committed towards ensuring publication of articles that meet high quality standards through its blind review process.  


  • Tropical Life Sciences Research

    ISSN: 1985-3718
    eISSN: 2180-4249
    Frequency: Triannually
    Impact Factor: 1.1 (2023)
    Abstracting/Indexing: ESCI (Web of Science), Scopus, PubMed, MyCite, Asean Citation Index (ACI), Google Scholar, EBSCOHost, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Zoological Record, CAS, CABI, AGRICOLA, GEOBASE, Embiology, Ulrich
    Publisher: Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia

  • KEMANUSIAAN The Asian Journal of Humanities

    ISSN: 1394-9330
    eISSN: 2180-4257
    Biannually (April/May and September/October)
    SCOPUS, Malaysian Citation Index (MyCite), Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), JURN, Genamics JournalSeek
    Publisher: Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia


    KEMANUSIAAN The Asian Journal of Humanities, formerly known as Jurnal Ilmu Kemanusiaan (Journal of Humanities) publishes theoretical and empirical writings on aspects of the humanities in Asia as well as those that are universally relevant and provide new knowledge to the broad area of the Humanities.

    * The term Kemanusiaan is a Malay word meaning "Humanities". It is derived from the form manu, a Sanskrit term which means "man" or "mankind".

  • Wacana Seni Journal of Arts Discourse

    ISSN:  1675-3410
    eISSN: 2180-4311
    Frequency: Annually
    Abstracting/Indexing: ESCI (Web of Science), Scopus, MyCite, ASEAN Citation Index, Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), EBSCOhost, Index Islamicus, Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM), Stanford University Library, Google Scholar
    Publisher: Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia 


  • International e-Journal of Community and Industry Engagement (IeJCIE)

    The International e-Journal of Community and Industry Engagement (IeJCIE) is established by the Division of Industry and Community Network, Universiti Sains Malaysia, with the intention to provide a forum for disseminating peer-reviewed articles on four areas to the international research community:

    • Community and industry engagement research;
    • Industry linkages and support;
    • Capacity building;
    • Corporate social responsibilities.

    This e-journal will be a platform and forum for sharing of knowledge and experiences in a scholarly manner at international level.

    Objectives Of The E-Journal:

    1. To provide platform for all walks of society to publish their findings and best practices in community and university engagement.
    2. To allow access to peer-reviewed articles and audio-visual publication on community engagement findings, articles and activities.



  • Journal of Contemporary Issues in Media & Communication (JCIMC)

    ISSN 2805-4997

    JCIMC is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal that promotes advancement in the fields of media and communication theory and research. It provides a platform for current debates, critique and analysis in the field of media, research and communication to stimulate contemporary discussions on pressing media issues. The focus is primarily on the aspects of research, practice, policy, theory and application in media and communication. The journal’s key purpose is to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to publish and access up-to-date, comprehensive and important research work on communication and its related fields. The journal aims to contribute to the development of integrated and diverse forms of research, by linking aspects of media practice, theory, media literacy and policy.   

    Scope of the Journal: 

    The journal includes a broad range of subjects under media and communication such as film & broadcasting, mass communication, human communication, new media, visual communication, media policies, communication and culture, journalism, public relations, advertising and branding. JCIMC also adopts a multi-disciplinary approach in highlighting debates related to contemporary issues in society and the media industry.  

    Target Readers: 

    Academics, researchers, students, policymakers, media practitioners in journalism, broadcasting, public relations, advertising and other media and communication professionals.  

  • Journal of Asian Geography

    E-ISSN: 2948-5231

    Journal of Asian Geography (JAG) aims to contribute to theoretical and empirical-based discourses to help address problems related to geography within Asia or any other regions that have linkages with Asia. The ultimate goal of the journal is promoting research activities on geographical science in Asia. Subject areas considered in the journal include, but are not limited to, physical geography, human geography, remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS), humanities, social and environmental sciences.

  • Malaysian Journal of Distance Education (MJDE)

    Malaysian Journal of Distance Education is devoted to the dissemination of information on research and practices of distance education. It is an international peer-reviewed publication that publishes reports on research findings, theoretical discussions, and technical breakthroughs in the field of distance education and adds considerably to knowledge in this field

  • International Journal of World Civilizations and Philosophical Studies

    The International Journal of World Civilizations and Philosophical Studies (IJWCPS) cordially invites scholars and researchers specializing in World Civilizations, Philosophical Studies, Comparative Religion, Religion and Society, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Western Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Phenomenology, Islamic World History, Alternative Treatment, and Paranormal Studies to showcase their scientific investigations, discoveries, research, and ideas on topics related to these fields.

    The International Journal of World Civilizations and Philosophical Studies (IJWCPS) is an esteemed peer-reviewed academic journal that focuses on publishing high-quality articles, book reviews, and research notes. The content published in this journal is subjected to rigorous peer-review processes to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality and relevance. The IJWCPS is a valuable resource for audiences interested in understanding the precious aspects of world civilizations and philosophical studies.

    The International Journal of World Civilizations and Philosophical Studies (IJWCPS) is published online biannually in March and September by Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemanusiaan Universiti Sains Malaysia. IJWCPS publishes articles in Malay and English. 

    E-ISSN: 3030-5071  

  • MINDEN Journal of History and Archaeology

    The MINDEN: Journal of History and Archaeology is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (May and November). The journal aims to provide a forum for scholars, professionals, practitioners, experts, and researchers with the latest research, analyses, and discussion on the history and archaeology throughout the world. The ultimate goal of the journal is promoting research activities with new knowledge or difference perspectives in history or archaeology. In additional to high-quality articles, this journal also publishes book review and research notes that provided valuable resources for research and study of new interpretations in history or archaeology.