Screening for Zoonotic Fascioliasis in Slaughtered Large Ruminants in Abattoirs in Perak, Malaysia
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Fascioliasis, or trematode infestation, is an important disease caused by Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. Both species are hepatic parasites that affect humans. We have examined the zoonotic aspects of fascioliasis. A total of 80 fresh liver samples were collected from 67 Kedah-Kelantan crossbred cattle and 13 Murrah buffalo at 4 local abattoirs in Perak, Malaysia. The samples were examined macroscopically to detect the presence of Fasciola spp. The results show 7.50% (6 of 80) of the animals were diagnosed with fascioliasis. Overall, 7.46% (5 of 67) and 7.69% (1 of 13) of cattle and buffalo samples were positive, respectively. There were only F. gigantica species identified in the samples. Our findings suggest that precautions should be taken because the disease has a zoonotic impact on public health.
Fasioliasis atau infestasi trematoda adalah merupakan penyakit penting yang disebabkan oleh Fasciola hepatica dan Fasciola gigantica. Kedua-dua spesies ini adalah parasit hepar dan boleh memberi kesan terhadap kesihatan manusia. Aspek zoonotik fasioliasis telah dihuraikan secara lanjut. Sebanyak 80 sampel hepar segar daripada 67 ekor lembu kacukan Kedah-Kelantan dan 13 ekor kerbau Murrah yang diperolehi dari 4 buah rumah sembelih tempatan di Perak telah diperiksa. Kesemua sampel diperiksa secara makroskopik untuk mengesan kehadiran Fasciola spp. Keputusan yang diperolehi menunjukkan 7.50% (6 daripada 80) haiwan yang diperiksa menghidap fasioliasis. Daripada jumlah tersebut 7.46% (5 daripada 67) dan 7.69% (1 daripada 13) dikesan positif pada sampel lembu dan kerbau masing-masing. Hanya F. gigantica telah dikenal pasti semasa identifikasi spesies. Langkah berjaga-jaga adalah perlu kerana kesan impak zoonotik penyakit ini terhadap kesihatan awam.
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